School Travel

“That ICPA (Aust) continues to work with Qantas to establish a discount code that would enable all rural and remote students to attend their educational facilities without the added burden of exorbitant flight costs.”


The Julia Creek Branch understands and thanks Qantas for their Resident fares program, however this only encompasses a very limited amount of Qantas customers in Northern Queensland, Northern Territory and North Western Australia. It is also only for an allotted amount of seating per flight. Rural and remote students located within New South Wales, Tasmania and South Australia are currently unable to access these discounted fares. These students and their families are also paying high prices every year to transport their children to school.  

Case Study
Currently students who live on Lord Howe Island have no option but to fly Qantas to attend their secondary education. With the average flight costing over $600 per student. One Lord Howe Island family is paying over $3500 per term to send their 3 children to school. This is just the cost to get them to Sydney, some students are then required to fly onward to their chosen school.